04 September 2015

De Profundis

29th April 2015
Powerhouse Visy Theatre
By Oscar Wilde
Brian as the now tragic Oscar is on stage when you enter standing naked in the corner of the set. Humbled, exposed and vulnerable to the audience, the penal system and society. It is an image so cruel. An image of injustice and an image of vile persecution.
 De Profundis is awesome. Brian Lucas is stunning. I would say rush along if you have not already been, but it is sold out. Just pray that it returns again soon and if you are interstate or overseas also pray that it packs up a bag and travels. Another masterful piece of theatre grown from amazing talents that grace our city David Raymond Fenton and Brian Lucas created this from the epic letter De Profundis of Oscar Wilde. Absent is the cynical, humorous and pointed exposition of social foibles, but instead we see a Wilde stripped down to the raw.

 A man uncomprehending of the injustice thrust upon him, affronted by societies lack of understanding of his artistic temperament, heaping blame upon himself for the depths to which he has fallen. On occasions he grasps at the wit for which he is renowned, but that becomes even more tragic in a man humiliated and destroyed, but still perhaps frantically or hopelessly he imagines the occasional glimmer of hope, remembrance of kindness and gratitude to the faithful. It can be harrowingly personal and this is how it affected me. I was stunned. For the second time this week I have seen a show so brilliantly lit by Jason Glenwright with expert beautiful and poignant video design by Raymond Pittman, images by superb photographer Dylan Evans and the beautiful, but dangerous face of Brandon Dowery that reminded me of the menace of Tadzio encapsulating the angel of temptation, indulgence and death in that Thomas Mann story Death in Venice. It was great to see Brandon in the audienve the night I was there.
These are my thoughts, but this tour de force performance is so layered and dense with emotion and dialogue it may say many things to different people. If you saw it count yourself lucky. Thanks Brian and of course Oscar.

Part of a review from The Brisbane Times
'De Profundis is a staged version of Wilde's legendary letter to his lover Lord Alfred Douglas, written while Wilde was in prison after being convicted of gross indecency.
Lucas brings Wilde's memories of a great love and spiritual awakening to life in a 70 minute bravura performance which includes full frontal nudity.
"No sane person wants to get up onstage in front of people and take their clothes off," Lucas said.
"You're not going to do it unless it's something that needs to be done, and is right to be done."
He said director and collaborator David Fenton had considered the move carefully, worried the nudity could be seen as a gimmick.
"But it plays around with the idea of when we're naked, we're more emotionally exposed than physically exposed," Lucas said.

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