05 September 2015

Akhenaten - Dark Future - Seph Stanek

A new modern adaptation from Dark Future with Seph Stanek from the new Broadway Bound Akhenaten The Musical, directed by Hisham Abdel Khalek.
The story is about how the pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti challenged the almighty power of the priests by imposing for the first time a single God over their many gods. But the struggle for power will leave many destinies shattered.

If you want more I have a page with all you want to know about Akhenaten the most interesting Pharaoh in Egyptian history and father of Tutankhamen 

The Web Site for Akhenaten The Musical

The Facebook page on this new musical.

I have been following the beautiful Seph Stanek for several years and I have another page with more information on this very sexy Baritenor who has done everything from Grand Opera to Naked Boys Singing.
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