03 September 2015

Oedipus & Love by Daniel Evans

'Oedipus Doesn't Live Here Anymore'
5 June 2015
Bille Brown Studio
Qld Theatre Company
Firstly in the programme The Premier welcomes 'Oedipus Doesn't Live Here Anymore' by playwright Daniel Evans, winner of the 2014-15 Queensland Premier's Drama Award, the only one of it's kind in Australia. Daniel also wrote 'I Want To Know What Love is in which the title of a small story I submitted was mentioned much to my excitement and I have included that below. Daniel is quite brilliant and has adapted Checkov's The Seagull which is currently having a star actors run at the moment.

The lights dimmed and we embarked on a fast paced ride through the Oedipus plays, Antigone, Oedipus The King, and Oedipus at Colonus, all condensed and told through the eyes of the multiple characters, children, neighbours, school mates etc hanging around the backyards of Brisbane although it is never named specifically. Lots of fiery language, a thoroughly physical performance and just sensational and gripping writing.

The brilliance of the actors who jumped with so much passion, energy, conviction instantaneously from one character to immediately and totally inhabit another as quick as flicking a page was breathtaking. Ellen Elizabeth Bailey, Emily Burton, Joe Klocek and Toby Martin were as committed a group of actors as one could imagine. Moments to cringe, moments to gasp, times to cry and oh so many times to laugh. The evening was magic. Daniel's script is simply outstanding, the actors are nothing short of brilliant, Jason Klarwein' s direction was inspired and gripping to the core and the lights and sound/composition scripted and managed to the millisecond by Daniel Anderson and Justin Harrison lifted the play to epic proportions across the vast space of the Bille Brown stage/floor in front of the huge graffiti mural and the face of Sophocles with his glowing eyes spread across the entire back wall. You just must go and see it. It is so bloody good you will cry if you do not. 
Of course after the really enlightening Q&A at the end of the show there was much shaking of hands, spilling of wine and general partying with the cast and creatives. I had a brilliant and fabulous time and thank everyone and the Queensland Theatre Company for mounting yet another local work pouring forth from the genius minds and talents of Brisbane theatre scene. And thanks to my most darling cousin Michelle Boyd who always takes my theatre whoring photos as I rush around hugging the talented.
Written by Daniel Evans
After: The Theban Plays by Sophocles
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes | No interval
Director: Jason Klarwein
Designer: Jessica Ross
Lighting Designer: Daniel Anderson
Sound Designer: Justin Harrison
Dramaturg: Louise Gough

Cast Includes: Ellen Bailey, Emily Burton, Joe Klocek and Toby Martin

The earlier play by Daniel Evans 
'I Want to Know What Love Is'
September 2014

Based entirely on anonymous stories, I Want To Know What Love Is is a theatrical work made in response to the fragments of love, yearning and heartbreak submitted by the general public via the specially-built website wewantyourlove.com.

You are invited to bear witness to the love stories of strangers – some epic, others fleeting – as we ask some hard questions about the heart: What have you done for love? Is yours the greatest love story never told? Who, or what, do/did you love? Why? Is love science or poetry? What does love look/smell/taste like? What is the ultimate love song or lyric? Was there ever a time when love just wasn’t enough ...

I Want To Know What Love Is throws a spotlight on long-buried thoughts, stories, crushes and conquests as secret confessions are transformed into magnificent declarations centre stage. This is a celebration of the ordinary made extraordinary. This is for you. 
 A brilliant night at the theatre with both the legendary veteran actor Carol Burns and the young sensational Tom Cossettini blending some special magic amongst the thousands of Rose Petals that poured from everywhere. It made for a simple idea but quite lavish image.
Director: Daniel Evans
Designer: Kieran Swann
Cast Includes: Carol Burns, Tom Cossettini, Caroline Dunphy and Amy Ingram
Created and devised by: The Good Room (Daniel Evans & Amy Ingram) with Lauren Clelland, Caroline Dunphy & Kieran Swann
Lighting Designer: Jason Glenwright
Composer/Sound Designer: Lawrence English

My Bit
This is a link to the page on here of the little story of an interlude in Europe the title of which Daniel used in the play. I was so thrilled when I heard Tom Cossettini utter those words 'The Boy With The Green Umbrella' I made friends with both Tom and Daniel at a later stage and have met and thanked each for that thrill for me.
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