06 March 2016

Dancing in Protest Space.

The Stance
23rd February
First this afternoon I spent some time at
3:00pm - 7:30pm
4 hours 30 minutes
Cultural Forecourt, QPAC

"Can we choreograph a new form of protest?
Moving bodies take over a familiar urban space in this new work exploring what it means to put yourself on the line for something you believe in. Liesel Zink’s The Stance is a site specific dance and sound work investigating the choreography of bodies in protest. Created, rehearsed and performed in public space, it draws from the history of protest at the site in which it is presented and responds to recent acts of worldwide collective action.
Nine dancers perform to a live, original sound composition transmitted through wireless headphones. This intimate viewing experience is designed to prompt audiences and passers-by to consider the politics of mass movement and the ownership and control of what is considered public property."

This was part of the Australian Performing Arts Market 2016
 and a repeat of a 9 hour performance in King George Square last year.

Among the performers was Gabriel Comerford. I was not there for the entire dance, but sitting on the artificial grass with headphones pumping music into my brain amongst people coming and going and relaxing while they performed was hard on my back, but good for the soul.
I then popped into the Playhouse for a play briefing with the cast of the outstanding and important 'Secret River' which opens soon. Wonderful listening to the actors discuss cultural input, the roles and the work on language and the importance of this story.

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