22 February 2016

Penny Arcade

Longing Lasts Longer
Brisbane Powerhouse
20th February 2016
Penny Arcade "Longing Last Longer' at the World Theatre Festival last night at the Brisbane Powerhouse. Who would have thought the 'WTF' meant that. What a revelation, what a script and what an insight, chastisement and kick in the butt. Magnificent show full of humour, intelligence and reality. Penny Arcade instantly feels like a new friend a confidant and a wise elder who refuses to move out of the wonderment of youthful exploration of life. Cast away the presumptions, the arrogance and the entrenched ideas and live for now and what comes next. A true creative looking to be real at all times. It is just one of her shows and hopefully she will be invited back with as she says any of her other 10 performances. Brisbane needs to chat with her again. We could always try and adopt her into our world. What great adventures and lessons we would learn. Mix her into the cultural scene here and watch the blossoms grow. She would frighten shit out of the establishment, but that is how art survives and flourishes.

Funny as it sounds we have quite a few dear friends in common. She in reality and me via long time virtual relationships. We chatted about the gorgeous and remarkable David Hoyle from Manchester whom I adore and the most creative and original artist I know on the planet Gio BlackPeter from New York. It was lovely to meet someone who knows and works with Gio and agrees so wholeheartedly what nice, creative and amazing soul he is. I have loved Gio and his work in performance, painting, dance, music, acting etc for several years now. We talked of another legend Mink Stole and the work they made together and I thought they could form the basis of another festival idea here in Brisbane. Get the underground unearthed for us.

A bit of the life story is on here

Sitting behind Michelle Boyd Phil and I were Shane Pike and Zoe Tuffin. Shane was having far too good a time and laughed out loud throughout, I saw Margi Brown Ash who had just managed to see three shows in one night. No wonder she is so knowledgeable and brilliant. Kris Stewart and Lizzie Moore were there at a different show so I managed to mention Mink Stole would be another wonderful guest one day. It was a surprise to run into Shi Shi Law there. I wonderful first time meeting. As usual it was a fabulous night and it was my birthday. I met several new people who have been old friends of Penny, drank perhaps one too many red wines and left around midnight to not get to bed until after two am. (sobering up time)
Penny Arcade is in Australia until April so hot foot it along to this amazing award winning show. You need it.

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