18 January 2016

Roald Dahl's ' George's Marvellous Medicine'

Saturday 9th January 2016
Cremorne Theatre QPAC
Shake & Stir Theatre Company
 The cast and crew
Roald Dahl's - 'George's Marvellous Medecine' opened last night at the Cremorne Theatre at QPAC This is the first family show I have seen by the brilliant shake & stir theatre co and what a joyous fun and sensational night of theatre it was. This is a family show which runs three times a day for 34 performances for the kids and their parents (all 12,000 ticketed) during the school holidays, but if you are an adult do not be afraid. Never have I imagined that such amazing theatre is served up for the young impressionable and hopefully theatre goers of the future. If only fare of this professionalism was presented when I was young. I still caught the bug at age 5 but shows like this will guarantee audiences into the distant future. 
Audience arriving.
The huge and impressive set is a constant whirl of rotating brilliance, surprises and coordination thanks to the stage managers Janni and Nicole. Colour and movement non stop with the really truly magic lighting of Jason Glenwright synchronised to perfection with the absolutely perfect non stop sound design of Guy Webster. This all worked to the millisecond with the full on, no holds barred cast of Bryan Probets, Nicholas Skubij, Nelle Lee, Johnny Balbuziente and the surprisingly young Granny of Leon Cain. 

Directing this hysterical mix of hyperactivity, poisonous goo, inflating nasty Grans farts and all things fun was Ross Balbuziente. I had the great pleasure of meeting the proud and helpful Balbuziente parents, actor Barbara Lowing along with playwright Katherine Lyall-Watson whose work Motherland I will be seeing in April, fabulous performer and costume designer Leigh Alexander Buchanan who is becoming one of my treasured friends I see so often at the theatre and I met up with director Michael Futcherr who will be directing one of Shake & Stir's exciting productions later this year. Also a hug from the special Rosemary Walker was so nice to have. It was my first time to be invited up to the rooftop reception area at QPAC for an opening night party and what a gorgeous venue and view. With a glass or two of red i wandered around shaking hands with everyone I could and had a ball.
The Cremorne is a lovely venue of 310 seats so if you can get a ticket I highly recommend you do. It is fun it is glorious to look at, it is a great time at the theatre and you will laugh and start your year with a smile on your face. Yes there are enough references that kept the adults laughing out loud from beginning to end.

Director: Ross Balbuziente 
Designer: Josh McIntosh 
Sound Designer: Guy Webster 
Lighting Designer: Jason Glenwright 

Featuring: Johnny Balbuziente, Leon Cain, Nelle Lee, Bryan Probets and Nick Skubij. 

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