19 October 2015


Rumour Has It
16th October 2015
Bille Brown Studio
'Rumour Has it' at the Bille Brown Studio. The first thought I had last night as I stood to leave the theatre was we don't have to go anywhere. Brisbane has it all as far as talent goes. The night belonged to the amazing talent of Naomi Price, but you know you are getting something special when you get the backing of singers of the caliber of Luke Kennedy, Tom Oliver and Rachel Everett-Jones and the fine musicians led by stunning guitarist Jason McGregor. Before I talk about the show I have to say what a beautiful bunch of people graced the stage. They are all gorgeous.

Naomi gave us so much more than an evening of cabaret as a tribute to the brilliant British Singer Songwriter Adele. It went so much deeper into the character , the history and the personality of one great star, a simple and earthy girl from Tottenham. It was a brilliantly acted one woman Play, a hilarious and saucy stand up Comedy and a phenomenal musical Concert. Starting as a 15 minute satire a few years back and developing over the years with The Little Red Company and now with the additional resources of The Queensland Theatre Company and its fourth return to the stage here it is one hell of a show. The great lighting by the sensational and overworked Jason Glenwright created an atmosphere that was both beautiful and evocative and we had the additional splendour and magic of the entire room filling with floating bubbles and glittering tinsel.
Naomi can belt out a song, can melt your heart, can move you to tears and get you to your feet for a standing ovation. She has you laughing, she has you or some possibly shocked and she has you entertained for two hours. In the palm of her hands the audience clapped along, bopped their heads and even sang when required, except me who can not hit a note of any description I am of an age as were many others, but that did not stop the grey heads rocking along, yelling out, dancing in their chairs along with those somewhat younger. I would so recommend you go along but you are too late and it has been sold out and it finishes tonight so unless you mugg someone with a ticket you miss out. Have faith in what is put on stage here in Brisbane and just book to see as much as you can. Last night was my 61st visit to a theatre in Brisbane this year.

It was a week or so more than exactly three years since I first saw and heard the phenomenal voice of Luke Kennedy in 'I War' in this very theatre and became an instant fan. He probably doe not recall me writing to him immediately back then to express my genuine love of his vocal magic. Last night was also the third time I have seen Tom Oliver on stage this year just 15 days after his universally praised outstanding appearance as Jack in 'Into The Woods' They all had a short solo and so appreciated spotlight at the end. As for the star of the evening I saw Naomi Price in the premier of a great new local play 'Gloria' recently and will again when she appears in the new Tim Finn musical 'Ladies in Black' on the 3rd of December.
These great Photos are by the wonderful Dylan Evans. except the scan of my ticket.

A clip from an earlier performance. 
25th September
It was such a thrill to see the legendary diva Marcia Hines. She came to Australia back in the late sixties to be in 'Hair' and the JC Superstar and became Queen of Pop for years and years. She looked stunning and sounded every inch the brilliant singer she has always been. It was remarkable to see her up close at about a few feet away.
Velvet redefines cabaret as a disco inferno of show-stopping singers, dancer and acrobats. Winning awards at the Adelaide Festival and then knocking them out at the Edinburg Festival we finally had our chance before they moved on to The Sydney Opera House.

Directed by Craig Ilott (Smoke & Mirrors), the all-star cast also featured singer-songwriter Brendan Maclean whom I have met and seen on numerous occasions for three years now. Brendan was also in the film The Greta Gatsby'. He is an imp on stage and the audience adore him as he flirts unashamedly with a twinkle in his eye and a golden voice to swoon over or rock to. He is remarkably charismatic and talented.

Also starring was mixmaster and nifty drummer Joey Accaria , the oh so cute hoola-boy extraordinaire Craig Reid, New Orleans burlesque Queen Perle Noire who did the first traditional strip routine I have ever seen. Quite mesmerising were the sizzling and gorgeous acrobats  local acrobatic star Stephen Williams and Mirko Kockenberger who is from Berlin. Power exuded from the sublime vocal backing by Chaska Halliday and Rechelle Mansour.

Fire and Ice
17th June 2015
This year I have been frequenting the Conservatorium here in Brisbane Queensland at both the Opera/music campus at South Bank and also at the Musical Theatre school at Woollongabba. I have been seeing the second and third year students in severl amazing shows. Graduates and even undergraduates are already being cast in top musical theatre and opera in this country, such is the exceptional talent coming forth from the world top trainers.
What a joy to see great talent in the making from the second year students. Last night we went to the Cabaret at the Con. An evening of so much more than a showcase for each of the students. 
So well put together with the exceptional musical talent of the awesome Bev Kennedy who is one of Australia's leading musical directors and accompanists. It is the second time I have been lucky to see her stunning piano work this year as she backed the divine Paul Capsis in a concert earlier this year. After the shoiw I had a brief chat with Bev and kissed her hand to show my respect for her brilliance which she shares with the students. The whole evening of 38 numbers really shon a light on not only some amazingly brilliant voices, but their acting ability, charisma and also some individual multi talents andf their good looks. They will go far.
There was some great dance moves and string playing I saw from Michael Mandalios, Wonderful violin from Michael Boulus, Stephen Adams did some nifty Saxophone work, Isaac Lindley knew his guitar so well and Hayden Rodgers brought the house down with his powerful belter number. 
Not satisfied with solo numbers the whole cast formed some brilliantly sung chorus back up some perfect a capella vocals and timing was outstanding as they sang scattered all around the room. Interaction with the audience was mostly carried off with such ease although it scares the shit out of very shy me. A seamless evening that was like being inside a musical and not just sitting at a table . It was also great to see the irrepressible graduate Dan Venz there so full of enthusiasm. He has been in several professional shows I have seen this year. So much talent in one room both performing and supporting. 
Paul Capsis
15th February
Powerhouse - Melt Festival
What a beautiful night again at the Powerhouse for the close of the first and fabulous Melt Queer Festival under the direction of James Lees . First I got to chat with the remarkable singer Lucinda Shaw and Fionn Ellwood, then again I had a fabulous chat with the awesomely stunning actor Thomas Cyril Larkin who had just finished a performance of the sensational and sexy Sex With Strangers which I go to see again on Tuesday night. I had two catch ups with Emily Gilhome who directed Dash Kruck's I Might Take My Shirt Off last night and the hugely successful epic Boy&Girl a couple of weeks ago. Always fabulous Leigh Alexander Buchanan whom I saw in The Devil Wears Leigh Buchanan recently and which will have a return soon,was there as well and I got to have yet another chat. Such support from everyone for everyone. The main reason most were there was for the superstar Paul Capsis. What an astounding show, What an awesome voice and what a great evening. Standing ovations, foot stomping and cheers all evening. Paul is just one of the best singers in the country and when he channels the legends it is spellbinding. He was accompanied on piano by one of our leading talents Bev Kennedy whose playing can just about knock you out of your chair. I was super thrilled when he pointed at me and mentioned my name during the show. Big hugs in the foyer after the show and my night was complete. Friends, love and great music, dance, theatre and art is non stop at the Powerhouse. I have been there so often of late I should pitch a tent.

A recent concert with Joey Arias in New York back in July 
VIXENS OF ROCK'n'ROLL Joey Arias and Paul Capsis One Night Only @ joe's pub

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