19 September 2013

When Time Stops

The Brisbane Festival 2013
Saturday 14th September 2013 Playhouse Theatre QPAC.
A combined performance by two wonderful local groups Expressions Dance Company and The Camarata of St. John's chamber orchestra.
 A new ballet by Natalie Weir with a new composition by the great Australian composer Iian Grandage who won two Helpmann awards this year.
 This was an evening of the most professionally intricate movement and thrilling string work to spectacular music on a great set brilliantly lit. You could tell from the reviews and the cheering that everyone including myself was knocked out by the energy, the passion and the visual delight of 20 barefoot performers. 
The dancers flexed, intertwined, leapt, rowed and embraced in this inspiration of death, drowning, survival and all that happens when time of life stops. The musicians were also part of the physical performance as they wove their way throughout the dancers and became part of the choreography itself. The performance of the 12 young string players was outstanding, emotional, spiritual and wrenching.
The larger ensemble of Camarata of St John's.
One of the many glowing reviews This from The Brisbane Times.

When Time Stops was fantastic production to kick off Brisbane Festival. This original dance work from Expressions Dance Company was a stunning display of grace, strength and pure raw emotions.

The dancing took you through life's emotional journeys and managed to trap you back in the moment from the inescapable joy of your first kiss to the feeling of loss and grief in life. While nothing was said, the dancing and facial expressions of each performer was enough to elicit the desired reactions sought from the audience. This was confirmed after the lights came back on and I discovered a room filled with tears and strong applause.
The choreography was spectacular. The intricate lifts and positioning were timed perfectly. The slow motion pieces were so effortlessly displayed only then to take a sudden change to a hard and fast routine. The show demanded a lot from each of its dancers and it's safe to say they did not disappoint on delivering the goods.
The music was outstanding through and through. One thing that struck me was the clever use of bringing the musicians on and off the stage through the different sequences. This added further depth to the journey of emotions and it was a lovely way to allow the audience to appreciate their craft.
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