09 July 2013


Salon Saturday June 22nd.
The Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts
Created and Choreographed by Timothy Brown (Queensland Ballet and Expressions Dance Company)
Nerida Matthaei
Anthony Trojman
Elizabeth Whelan
Iona Marques
Travis Scott
Alex Weckes-Huck
David Trappes

Salõn | promotional reel from optikal bloc on Vimeo.
It is now a while since I went to opening night of Salon. I have digested the evening and followed the cast ever since. I am not reviewing the show but recording that I went. An experience that has excited and pleased me. The development of this here on such an astoundingly successful and artistic level is worth celebrating, repeating and growing. Salon is a piece devised by the exceptionally talented and beautiful choreographer and dancer Timothy Brown. Gathering independent artists from Brisbane he has created a piece that won the hearts and inspiration of everyone who went to this spellbinding show. Ballet dancers, Pole performers, Contortionists, and Circus trained artists and all backed by the exceptional music and voice of Michelle Xen and The Neon Wild.
Sitting at tables with drinks in great cabaret style the 16 of our group were dazzled and then partied for some time after the show with the cast. All were without exception so friendly and lovely. As you can see I managed to get a hug or two with the boys.
Anthony Trojman
This is an image I saw from a few hundred metres away and is what drew me to Salon. Anthony Trojman looks so spectacularly glamorous and elegant that this photograph, I believe, is what led so many to this completely sold out season of amazing talent. Anthony hails from both Expressions Dance Company and The Queensland Ballet.

I wonder if Anthony was bemused by this. I have been assured by my kind friends that I look better in the flesh. Hard to see when you are posed beside such gorgeous cast members.
Travis Scott That Pole Guy

 Travis on a swinging pole and the most athletic of boys hugging me after the show. He was still in costume because the zip of his brilliant costume was stuck. It was agreed that he had the most stunning physique.
Alex Weckes-Huck and David Trappes
These boys David and Alex were so delightful and talented. Circus trained and also multi talented.
Artist Ria Willering, Alex Weckes-Huck and me.
Michelle Xen
We chatted to this beautiful woman as well.
This clip is Not from Salon but another show at The Judy
Not to be confused with my old
Photographs by exceptional local artists
Please check their work for the arts.
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