09 January 2013

Homophobia or Equality

Reassembled old posts and some new bits just to keep the quest going.
Some photos that make a point.
Fight Religious intolerance 
 Fight Political persecution
 Make a statement
Be Fabulous
An Email I received today in March 2012

29 March 2012
E-mail: historyandphilosophy@gmail.com
 Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2010
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your email to the above inquiry and to advise that the committee has accepted the email as Form Letter 1, or a variation of Form Letter 1 (that is, a form letter in which a personal story or general commentary is attached/included). If you have requested that your email be treated confidentially by the committee, that request has been accommodated.
You are advised that all documents provided to Senate committees become committee documents upon receipt, and it is the prerogative of the relevant committee to determine whether and how it will accept and publish such documents. In this inquiry, the committee will publish on its website one example only of each type of form letter, as time and resources permit (that is, one example of Form Letter 1; one example of Form Letter 2, and so on). The names of those who have submitted form letters will not be published on the website. The committee is anticipating the receipt of thousands of form letters throughout the course of this inquiry, and it is not physically possible for them to be published on the website due to staffing and resource limitations. However, all form letters will be available to members of the committee during the course of the inquiry for their consideration, and the numbers of form letters received will be published on the website periodically.
Your email is protected by parliamentary privilege. Parliamentary privilege refers to the special rights and immunities attached to the Parliament which are necessary for the discharge of parliamentary functions. This means that you cannot be prosecuted or disadvantaged because of anything you have provided in evidence, or because you gave such evidence. If you have requested confidentiality, you are protected by parliamentary privilege in respect of your email, but this protection will be lost if you make it public without the committee's prior agreement.

Yours sincerely
Committee Secretary
March 21, 2012. It's not every day that a major world figure speaks out forcefully in defense of equality. But earlier this month, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon did just that when he made an incredibly powerful speech at the U.N. in Geneva. 
But most people didn't even hear about it. 
Why? After the speech, the media focused on a handful of delegates who stormed out of meeting in protest. Their story - that gay people should be denied human rights - is the one that dominated the day's news. But with your help, we're going to change that. 
Our friends at the U.N. let us REMIX Ban Ki-moon
, so we took his speech and created this video. We hope you like it! After you watch, please share with your friends and family, helping this inspiring message reach the audience it deserves.

Australian favourite actress Magda Szubanski (from the film Babe for international readers) 
Magda Comes Out and Supports Gay Marriage.
On the light side. Some positive ideas.

Click this link to watch '8' The Marriage Equality Play in full
People are demanding rights all over the world
and here
Great Australian Marriage Equality Adds.

Some of you might not like Stephen's comments, but I applaud them with enthusiasm. I was once a devout Catholic contemplating the priesthood and have been to several Papal audiences in Rome and have even received a letter from a previous Pope. I now believe the Pope particularly the current one and his church as he rules it, to be one of the most divisive, nasty and evil people and institutions on the planet. He and his church supports ignorance and persecution, encourages hatred and his pronouncements encourage death, gay suicide, homophobia, pain and cruel mental anguish to so many.
Watch!!!!      It is brilliant.
This powerful music film needs few words except to note that Homophobia is not restricted to Russia alone.
Look within your own borders as well. I see it here.
Quote from the Youtube site
Anthemic "I've Only Just Begun" -song will be released digitally (iTunes, Spotify etc.) 3rd of September 2012 in Europe, US, Latin America & Canada.
"I've Only Just Begun" is a ragingly beautiful and empowering story about Venuz Vulgar and his friends on their way to St. Petersburg, Russia.
It's written and directed by E. Over 60 people were involved in this free, independent production. Thank you all. Big up. No fear.
Prejudice - Fabulous Tim Minchin covers it all
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