17 January 2013

Asia Pacific Triennial

Wednesday 16th January.
It is only three short years since the last Asia Pacific Triennial exhibition here in Brisbane at the The Gallery of Modern Art and The Queensland Art Gallery. http://www.qagoma.qld.gov.au/ This the 7th such collection in the 20 years since it was established  in 1993. It is a huge exhibition and is the largest of its type in the world and luckily runs for several months. Always more than one visit is required to take it all in. It attracts over half a million visitors and tens of thousands from overseas as well. It was so amazing to see the crowds gathered there in a mid week when I went even though it had been running for a month and a half already. Also the large number of rooms set aside for children's hands on art is impressive and also crowded with patient parents supervising. There were also huge gatherings of children both inside and outside the State Library which sits between the two galleries and they also had hands on participation. It certainly gives hope for an intelligent and appreciative future. Below are a random selection of pieces on display by over a hundred artists.

A short video on the 7th APT Exhibition
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