28 October 2012

Brendan Maclean and Scott Spark

Last night at the Judith Wright Centre for contemporary Arts I saw two wonderful artists. Both Singer Songwriters and both so talented. I have read comments relating their style to Rufus Wainwright and Ben Folds which is true in that they are melodic, sincere, brilliant and pianists, but they have individual voices and things to say and I am wary of saying someone is like someone else.  It is too easy and for me it means the ears are lazy. They are definitely their own talent. An artist is a unique individual and the treasures they share are what make our life an adventure, a meaningful indulgence and special.
Scott Spark
First up was Scott Spark from Brisbane and he and his band put on a great selection of mainly original songs as we sat with drinks, cabaret style, around tables. It is worth checking out his web site and preparing for his second album  next year. My cousin thought him adorable.
Scott Sparks on Youtube
Brendan Maclean
After an interval onto the stage leapt Brendan Maclean. I had recently seen him in a play in its genesis -  'I War' with the Danger Ensemble at the Queensland Theater Company. Brendan is an extraordinary singer and composer. I believe he is also a sometime radio host. He can dance brilliantly and can act. In fact he has just recently appeared in the new Baz Luhrmann film 'The Great Gatsby' alongside the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Toby Maguire and Joel Edgerton. His songs are stunning and his performance is alive, tender, endearing and overflowing with talent and charm. He is a beautiful man.
It is the first time Brendan had brought his band to Brisbane although he has appeared here many times. Some serious musicians. He of course pounds or seduces the piano as required and has a ball with his Ukulele for which he has a pet name. His music is personal and with a twist. During the show he spoke of an ex boyfriend, helpful film makers and toy dinosaurs, smiled a lot and exuded so much justified confidence, warmth and did I mention - TALENT.
The great night was topped of beautifully when I received a beautiful hug from Brendan after the show.

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