07 September 2012

Visions of Place

Tributes to place.
As part of the human experience is an ingrained sense of place. That perceived special relationship with the earth, personality drawn partly from identifying with the where and love of the familiar surrounding is not unique to any one people. In Australia the Aborigines claim a special relationship to the land and it is true and accepted, but that relationship has also seeped into the soul of the majority who are immigrants to this country. 

'Welcome to country' by an elder is the initial part of ceremonies and celebrations here in Australia. It is an inclusive act by the original owners of the land to offer to be part of where we are. Throughout the world there is love of country and love of the connection to where we call home. To me however, that love, pride and passion for our place must never underestimate how strong that same feeling is in others for their own place. I believe strongly that one should never say "Mine is the greatest country on Earth' as this insults everyone else. One should never do or say what separates, but insist on doing what unites and shares. Remember one should 'Welcome to Country' not exclude the stranger. Xenophobia is the sign of a weak and cowardly mind. Rejoice in the place we call earth as a whole as well as the patch on which we wander.
Variety of Place
All places like all people are beautiful because they are unique. All places have something to offer. All places are home to someone or something. All places encourage us to express things in different ways. All places reflect a history. Accepting that makes us better; all of us.
Below are places that make us happy, wonder, rejoice, reflect, laugh, express, live.

Broadway New York





Ken Russell's Russia The ultimate Cities tribute by Monty Python


Europe and a State of Mind
City by Bloom

 from BLOOM! 
Seph Stanek - Countries of the World

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