29 September 2012

Paul Capsis - Angela's Kitchen

Friday 28th September at the Powerhouse I saw the stunning Paul Capsis in his one man show 'Angela's Kitchen' which is inspired by his Grandmother and his relationship with her. He had been a big winner at the Helpmann Awards just a few days before.
Firstly I ran into him in the car-park and congratulated him on his two 'Bobbies' Helpmann Awards. He laughed that the pressure was on now. Then we sat and laughed through the most poignant memories of his life with his grandmother and her life and the whole family who had their roots in Malta and a little from Greece. Mr Capsis played multiple characters from his family in this non stop tour de force. His accents, his passion, his brilliance received such an ovation from the sold out crowd.

It is an embarrassing tale that many years ago after attending a brilliant performance of Paul Capsis where he sang and channelled the voices of people like Janis Joplin, Billie Holiday and Maria Callas we were having after drinks when a friend suggested to Paul Capsis that I should become his new manager. We chatted as I hid my embarrassment and then in the following days Paul rang me at work a couple of times to follow up on our discussion. It went no further, but it was a thrill even if a small over-reach for my young ambitions.
On the 24th September at the 2012 Helpmann Awards 
(The Annual Australian Awards for Live Entertainment named in honour of Sir Robert Helpmann) 
Angela's Kitchen and Paul Capsis picked up two prizes for the Best New Australian Work and for Best Male Actor in a Play.
Other highlight winners for me on the night included our own young legend Cate Blanchett - Best Female Actor in a Play, the outstanding and beautiful Queenslander Paul White - Best Male Dancer in a Dance or Physical Theatre Work for this Anatomy of an Afternoon video, and genius talent Tim Minchen -  Best Comedy Performer.

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