31 October 2011

Occupy Wall St. Movement

Do not lose sight of this important moment.
Encourage your friends to join, support and spread the ideals of the movement to seek justice for everyone and an escape from the manipulation of the 1% who use their power to control the financial world, the media and the political agenda for their own benefit. We all have a voice and need it to be heard.
There are over a thousand cities where this is happening.

A single person can stand against the odds and be an example for others. Success may not be assured, but courage and commitment may just win out in the end. 
One must try.
The occupy movement is the chance for change. 
Important change and necessary change.

Veteran's of the 20th century American Civil Rights Movement, known as the Council of Elders express solidarity with the Occupy Movement and explain its importance.

29 October 2011

Spectacular Boys Singing

A staggeringly beautiful extraordinary new CD released in November 2011 with the two greatest Counter Tenors of our age whom I follow on Facebook. These boys are spectacular for beauty of sound agility of vocal technique and all round just thrilling to hear. Max Emanuel Cencic and Philippe Jaroussky together in duets for the high male voice. Just listen and watch the recording session below and be amazed.
Link - Max Emanuel Cencic on Facebook
Link - Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook

with Max Emanuel Cencic after a concert 2015

Next on my list is the upcoming DVD of Rossini's Adelaide di Borgogna with the up-coming brilliant tenor from Romania - Bogdan Mihai
This is an extract, but not from the official DVD quality recording (released 28th February 2013) however you can hear Bogdan's powerful high singing. He has become renowned already for his Rossini interpretations while still in his late twenties.
One of my Favourite photos below of Bogdan Mihai. He is a beautiful gentleman and has very kindly exchanged comments with me on several occasions.
More here on my site about Bogdan Mihai - Click
Link - Bogdan Mihai on Facebook
Link - Bogban Mihai on YouTube
Link - Bogdan Mihai Blog

24 October 2011

The Queen in Queensland

Once again I have stood in the sun to see HM Queen Elizabeth II. My first sighting was in 1954 just after her coronation in 1953. That 2 month visit was the largest event in Australian history as between 6 to 8 million of the entire population of 9 million saw the Queen in person. It is not surprising therefore that I was there. Since then I guess I have participated every visit here over the last 57 years and one accidental sighting in London. There have also been a few visits by other royals that I attended as well. There were hot days in the arena of the Royal Show-Grounds as schools were herded together, twice on the river as she arrived on the Royal Yacht Britannia, some street walks and a cold rainy midnight in front of my flat when she was returning from a function. In that occasion HRH Prince Philip had to nudge her in the ribs to wake the sleeping Queen so she would give a wave to a solitary bunch drunk fans with their noses pressed against the royal car window. That flat was a great royal spotting place as it was on the route between the airport and Government House. Prince Charles waved up at me while I was watering my plants one day and I also got a wave from Princess Alexandra as I sat in my window sill on another occasion. Today here in Brisbane tens of thousands gathered along the river as she journeyed up the river on a yacht to the Southbank Parklands and Cultural Centre where she reopened a rainforest destroyed during the devastating floods earlier this year. The cute small boy in the photo with the uniform and gloves was a big hit with the crowd as everyone was taking photos of him saluting and making the Royal wave. He was just opposite from where I stood.
The Royal YouTube Channel

16 October 2011

The 99%

The people are revolting!    The people are evolving! 
1% own most and 99% are not going to take it any more.
Yes they are indeed in a state of opposition and occupation. Opposition to the state of greed which motivates corporate and banking ambition. The once apparent logical need to produce a profit to sustain a business has been replaced with the obsession to continue to be larger and more and more powerful and to eventually remove all opposition. By its definition the competitive market eventually means someone wins and therefore competition is then dead. The system is its own death. The movement of occupation sweeping the world must continue. In most circumstances it does and will remain peaceful as that is the only way to stay focussed. Many (politicians and lazy journalists) ask what is the aim and claim that the point has been made. I doubt they are as ill-informed as they make out. Their ignorance is more a political stance rather then a genuine lack of understanding. Well in reply i suggest the debate has only begun and no one can claim at this stage to see the end point. It is a discussion amongst the peoples of the earth to find a way of remodelling the way we operate. Poverty makes it necessary to reorganise the way business is done. The concentration of wealth amongst a few hundred who insist on holding onto that wealth must be broken up and shared. Just as countries are overthrowing governments who do not look after its people the same will happen to corporations and money institutions who are adversely affecting people, their chance at security, health and happiness, the environment and freedom. Money lenders, rating agencies, commentators produce nothing. There seems to be a growth in created 'jobs' which are increasingly highly paid and in fact produce nothing.
This is as good an expression of a lack of greed as any. 
Display your lack of riches as they all go to the 1%
Video Streams from the Occupy Cities around the globe.
Avaaz Occupy Wall St petition
My local Occupy Brisbane on Facebook
Wearetheother99 Facebook page
Great Article with real analysis
Sean Penn on Ocupy Wall St.
Is leadership nothing more than an unavoidable temptation for power or is a politician a philosopher? Today I would suggest that few give such effort to the propositions and decisions they thrust upon us. Like parenthood, politics is one of the most important jobs existing as it influences the lives of all, but it also requires no training, no certificate of expertise and is thus considered democratic. A politician may bring to office, economic knowledge, a propensity for showing toughness or sadly in some cases, little realisation of their own limitations, but seldom a philosophical approach to what is the essential good.  An idea motivated by expediency, greed, a desire for popularity or power is not a wise suggestion. Too often a bias becomes the first principle, ill informed and ignorant of the failures of such things in the past, but we do repeat ourselves and how often a whole society can be hurt by such laziness. Perhaps we are only human and as some say, with a predisposition to sin, to do bad, to think only of ourselves. We bit the apple to know good and evil, but can we understand the difference and choose? It takes courage to challenge an easy thought, a protective bias or self absorption. To look at the whole, to admit a mistake, to change our mind; these take effort, education and a willingness to submerge the ego. To me, a wise idea respects both the greater good and the good of the individual, the disciplined freedom of each of us and respects the earth upon which we all depend. After all, our descendants will not have the time to contemplate the great mysteries in a world destroyed. Harmony, truth, justice, knowledge - Ma'at, is the goal. An optimist will say that no matter what evil befalls us, good will triumph eventually, but as life goes both up and down a pessimist might feel that good too often fails and soon descends into evil. It all depends on how you wish to think, for both are true in the cycle of life.  We must stand tall and upright before ourselves and all that exists.

03 October 2011

Bruce LaBruce New Documentary

Found this embedded on Gio's Blog and just had to add it. New Documentary by Angelique Bosio about my favourite Bruce LaBruce.
Find these BLAB Movies.
Super 8-1/2
Otto or Up With Dead People
Hustler White
L.A.Zombie There are two versions - hard and less so.
No Skin Off My Ass
The Raspberry Reich and the hard core version The Revolution Is My Boyfriend
Skin Flick and the hard core version Skin Gang
He also wrote Sugar. (2004)

I also have a couple of Books
Bruce LaBruce Ride,Queer, Ride!
The Reluctant Pornographer (autographed for me)
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