21 July 2011

New Young Opera Singers

Thanks to my friend, the alto singer Andrey Naydenov from Bulgaria I have been alerted to a couple of wonderful new singers that were unknown to me.
Franco Fagioli
http://www.franco-fagioli.com/ This is worth checking for the recording session video.
Franco Fagioli is one of the most successful countertenors worldwide today. He was born in 1981 at San Miguel de Tucumán (Argentina). His performances of Handel’s heroes such as Giulio Cesare, Ariodante, Teseo have been unanimously acclaimed. His breathtaking vocal technique and the beauty of his voice on all registers have set new standards.
An extract from a review of his new CD which I have just pre-ordered.:- "Franco Fagioli's new recital disc, inconspicuously titled Canzone e Cantate, heralds the arrival of a world-class artist. This is an instant classic... a must-have. Canzone e Cantate is a recording for fans of countertenors, the Italian baroque, continuo bands, bel canto vocal pyrotechnics, and especially for fans of Cecilia Bartoli. You read correctly - Cecilia Bartoli. I thought that my iPod was on the fritz when I started listening to the first track of Canzone e Cantate, that I had accidentally selected Cecilia Bartoli Live in Italy"

This is not great video quality but you will experience the stunning voice.
Bogdan Mihai

Born in Romania, the very tall slim and exceedingly attractive Bogdan Mihai (now 28) began as a baritone and two years at the Transylvania University in Braşov, earned him his Master’s Degree in bel canto.  A revelation came when in 2006 he did a masterclass with Mirella Freni who told him he was a tenor. With the Nicolai Ghiaurov Scholarship he studied for another year and a half. He first sang Count Almaviva in 2008. His career is just launching and is worth watching. Described as a Leggiero Tenor which is the agile highest tenor and the male equivalent of a Lyric Coloratura Soprano.
There is a lot my on Bogdan Mihai all over this blog as this charming, talented and beautiful artist is so worth keeping an eye on and is growing from strength to strength. I like to think he is a friend. (a virtual one at least) Use the 'search' to the right here to find other entries. 
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