07 June 2011

BK Bazhe

A remarkable talent.
BK BAZHE is a writer, poet, and artist. He is the author of the novel DAMAGES - Winner in the Writers Digest Awards and the poetry collection IDENTITIES. Published in USA, Europe: Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia, and Bulgaria. In America, his prose and poems have appeared in: Poetic Voices Magazine, Winter's Gems Anthology, Bay Windows, Opus Literary Review, River Run, and Reader. His art has been exhibited in New York City, Europe, NJ, and OH. 
His books and art are available from his web site and from Amazon.com
This wonderful artist is becoming a good friend. I am so grateful to have recently received from him a message and this beautiful poem.
Thank you for being my friend.
And This Poem is for You:

The stars tonight are for your eyes.
Yes, for no one else except you in this moment.
In this moment, dizzy, crazy, mad, heavenly mad.

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