09 February 2011

David Pereira

A discovery for me of a remarkable performer whose beauty, agility and grace are certainly an asset to the stage.
David Pereira was born in 1990 in Vigo, Spain. He began Ballet at twelve, but after two years he turned to acrobatics. At 18 he performed with Cirque Du Soleil and now performs worldwide. He spends a lot of time in Berlin where so may talents find their way in these times.
This has the added beauty of the divine voice of Antony (Antony and the Johnsons)

He has a channel on Youtube and a web site.
I follow his posts, activity and portraits on his Facebook sites.

Not important to you, but this lovely artist did add me as a friend on Facebook. I am not sure that it means anything to Mr Pereira, but it is a great way for me to follow artists whom I think are going to grow in talent and produce things I want to admire, be inspired by and watch develop.
I am pleased to say we are friends on facebook and yes we do speak.

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