15 September 2010


"Wisdom begins in wonder."   (Socrates)
The Philosopher - The lover of Wisdom. 
Since the days of first recorded history there have been men and women who have done more then live celebrated lives of heroism in battle or invention. There have been the thinkers who pondered the questions of who we are, our reason for being, our relationship to the universe, what is the best way to live upon the earth and what happens when we die. Imhotep, who built the first pyramid is perhaps the first man to record such thoughts and today we all associate ourselves with some form of philosophy, whether we realise it or not. 
Following the migration from Egypt soon after the time of Akhenaton, Moses laid down the Ten Commandments which was and is one of the great foundations upon which Western civilization still rests. However, if one looks into the older Egyptian writings one finds similar guides to what is good and what is forbidden. No philosophy, idea or religion exists in isolation. If such a thing as Divine intervention exists it is surely governed by the laws of nature. The gradual development of thought, just as with the evolution of nature, is a system of trial and error governed by the physical world of needs and surroundings and has a solid foundation built upon what has come before. Unfortunately not all thought has been good and over time, some ideas have been left wanting. Philosophy is a theory, a map, a guess and hence may not always lead in the right direction. No one can ever be sure he is correct, though many claim that right with undeserved certainty. It is up to us to learn what we can, use what we know, refine what others have given us and in the end we will come to our own decisions. A conscience must be informed and that is our greatest responsibility. We can only maintain an open and enquiring mind and do our best. From the beginning we have sought wisdom from the 'Tree of Knowledge', but do not be deceived, because knowledge alone does not bring wisdom or as is said "A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing"

The things that will destroy us are:
politics without principle;
pleasure without conscience;
wealth without work;
knowledge without character;
business without morality;
science without humanity,
 and worship without sacrifice.
Mahatma Ghandi
from https://vimeo.com/menofmydreams
'The thought manifests as the word: The word manifests as the deed: The deed develops into habit: And habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care, and let it spring from love born out of concern for all beings!
 The Buddha
This quote has taken on new meaning in my existence as the dilemma of concern reverberates through my life. Concern for the well being of others has responsibilities and dangers. One is, in my belief, obliged to consider the welfare of others. It is not necessary to seek out  each member of our family of man, but when opportunity or fate presents itself, are we obliged to become involved and to what extent and with what commitment? Each of us are ultimately responsible for our own life and the actions we take. However upbringing, knowledge, emotional constraints, poverty, confusion, disappointment, loneliness, war and many things can weigh down on our ability to understand ourselves and the world around us. At times it is almost as if we have no control because of what life has given us. Not all can settle their mind sufficiently to take the time to objectively contemplate what is good for ourselves or the world in general. The mind can be so occupied with survival, both mentally and physically, that rationality becomes confused. If you are ducking a bullet or starving or alone or frightened it is difficult to sit back and gather the bravery, discipline and strength to stop and contemplate justice and morality. Such things have had to be ingrained in times of less stress so that like a reserve of energy they can be referred to or called upon with ease and without struggle. One needs to be simply able to open the book at times and not have to write it. Therefore when someone is in need and we have the book, but they do not, is it a requirement that we show them the book, or even make them read it. How can we be sure that what we see as the need is correct. If we have truly spent much time in contemplation we are still not entitled to believe that we have the source of truth and understanding. We do however have the right and obligation to be concerned for those we love and those who are simply our neighbour. What ever the cause or reason that such concern is aroused, the question remains as to how far we go and for how long we attempt to assist or relieve. If we privately commit to help is it a failure to give up, is it a disgrace to fail, is it an obligation to continue? When all seems lost is it time to re-examine our thoughts that may be renewed in manifested deeds and thus eventually habits which realign our character so that love will make concern second nature.
I guess we just try.
"He who merely knows right principles is not equal to him who loves them." Confucius

"Accuse not nature, she hath done her part;
Do thou but thine, and be not diffident
Of wisdom, she deserts thee not, if thou
Dismiss not her, when most thou needest her nigh,
By attributing overmuch to things
Less excellent, as thou thyself perceivest."
  John Milton, Paradise Lost

"Do not weep; do not wax indignant. Understand" Spinoza

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