17 September 2010

Outstanding Talent on Video

Be Amazed, Be Very Amazed!
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Philippe Jaroussky
Philippe Jaroussky is considered by many, including myself, to possess the most beautiful voice on the planet. His pure and high counter tenor voice is so often called angelic. I think it is just a perfect voice for a beautiful man. Below is couple of introductory video links. The first is of a performance conducted by his partner Jean-Christophe Spinosi.  The second with Christina Pluhar and LArpeggiata. In 2010 he visited Australia, but I was unable to travel interstate to attend one of his concerts, however I was somewhat compensated by being thrilled at a concert soon after of Christina Pluhar and some from her group L'Arpeggiata with whom he performs and records on occasion. (left photo). Needless to say I have a large and growing collection of his recordings and DVD's. I recommend them all.
Max Emanuel Cencic
Max Emanuel Cencic made his first public appearance at around the age of 6, gave performances throughout Europe, became the star of the Vienna Boys Choir, maintained a solo career throughout his teens as a soprano, even though his voice had broken and then after a self imposed break he returned as a Countertenor or more precisely a Mezzo Soprano. He has a range, power, agility and sensitivity like no male voice I have ever heard. A unique talent. Again I mention that I have a huge collection of his CD's and also DVD performances and documentaries.
Max in fabulous plumage and another Mezzo Marilyn Horne has a hat just like it.
This clip of some interviews and then recording an aria may explain what I mean for those who are as yet unaware of this spectacular artist.

Jonas Kaufmann
German Tenor Jopnas Kaufmann is stunning. His voice is a rich and powerful instrument. His look is as beautiful as you can get and his acting on stage will draw you in. He is assembling a collection of performances that are being hailed as the best around. I have several Opera performances on DVD and am collecting the CD's as they are released. His repertoire is broad and as they say, he can handle it all. Mahler Leider, Wagner, Puccini, Verdi and all the range. His voice brings tears to my eyes. Below is a clip that will show his confidence, charisma and the power of his stunning voice. You can also see many extracts on Youtube but I recommend buying complete performances and playing them loud as you will then get the full impact of this stunning man.

Listed are just a few clips for those interested in exploring some amazing music you may not be familiar with.
A self explanatory and wonderful performance below of Robin Scholtz. I had read that Max Enanuel Cencic (above) had sung this as his first public performance on Television in Zagreb when he was six years old. I thought this impossible until I found that it is an aria often tackled by the more ambitious of the young boy sopranos with varying degrees of success.

I had seen several performances of Joan Sutherland from 1979 to 1990 and that voice is the greatest of the century. Luckily I attended one of her final opera performances (the second last evening) and still have not heard a voice to challenge her.

I managed to see a recital of Montserrat Caballe in 1979 and it was referred to as one of the greatest nights in operatic history in this country. I was on my feet without realising it on numerous occasions during the concert screaming my lungs out. There were also a generous 5 encores from this charming and one of the most blessed singers  in my lifetime.

The  astounding singer songwriter Jacques Brel and one of the greatest of the 20th century. I recall introducing the music of Jacques Brel to a boyfriend and a short time later we were walking through the underground in Paris, when we met a busker and my friend asked if he would sing this song to us. He did so happily  and walked beside us through the tunnels singing. What a romantic memory. The performance below is an early one. There is much more to check out and CD's and full concerts on DVD that are historic treasures.

Diamanda Galas

This remarkable artist is a one woman onslaught of the mind and senses. As once I read she uses the piano like a weapon. Her voice is trained and it is all power. It cuts to the soul and not gently. I have a huge collection of her recordings many of which are performance pieces that provoke insight and certainly discussion. I have amazed people by showing them her unique approach to music and anger and accusation and spirituality. I felt blessed to see her in concert once. She strode on stage sat and began. By the time she had finished her second song she was receiving a screaming standing ovation from the small audience. Within moments of commencing she had sent dozens fleeing in fear from the concert hall. They had obviously not been aware of what to expect. She is magnificent and once again a reassurance against the fear of a lack of real genius appearing in music today.
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